Tweet by @ralpe
Introducing our #WACC project "Breaking Down the Social Media Devides" to the participants of #cecwacc2019 https://t.co/skxSfSCrJ9 — RalfPeter Reimann (@ralpe) April 11, 2019
Tweet by @ralpe
Follow #cecwacc2019 via live streaming https://t.co/smfxn13VYV — RalfPeter Reimann (@ralpe) April 11, 2019
Tweet by @ralpe
A participant of #cecwacc2019 to @BiskopEva: It is a compliment that you are being targeted for the sake of the gospel. I wish my church were as political as yours […]
Tweet by @ralpe
@BiskopEva from personal experience: women – especially with political views that are center left – are more targeted with #hatespeech than men. #CECWACC2019 pic.twitter.com/6szt20Q6IL — RalfPeter Reimann (@ralpe) April 11, […]
Tweet by @ralpe
@waccglobal and @ceceurope now we have a hashtag #cecwacc2019 pic.twitter.com/AQBkEKq0Vg — RalfPeter Reimann (@ralpe) April 10, 2019
Tweet by @ralpe
Media literacy is the best weapon against misinformation. Says @MaxArhippainen, Communication Director of the Finnish Defence Command. pic.twitter.com/xqUU0pxsRZ — RalfPeter Reimann (@ralpe) April 10, 2019
Tweet by @ralpe
Happy to attend #WACC Europe Assembly and #CEC Communicators Meeting on #HateSpeach #FakeNews pic.twitter.com/3wSoSmFTOu — RalfPeter Reimann (@ralpe) April 10, 2019
Tweet by @ralpe
Always good to know the numbers. One minute on the #Internet in 2019https://t.co/MXWrRBtU3n — RalfPeter Reimann (@ralpe) April 9, 2019
Tweet by @ralpe
Lieber Markus, dann hättest Du mich falsch verstanden. Diakonie ist wichtig. Hier ein thelogisches Beispiel, das Friedenswort der EKiR: https://t.co/sE9XW6q0ml Ist auch alles theologisch richtig. Aber wer ist der/die AdressatIn? […]