Churches use a transfer, translate and transformation strategy for practicing religion online says @heidiacampbell #ChurchesMinistryOnline — Árni Svanur but at home with clean hands (@arnisvanur) April 29, 2020 Continue Reading →
"Church at home" was a guiding principle in Germany said @ralpe. When people could not go to the church building, it had to be brought to their homes #ChurchesMinistryOnline — […] Continue Reading →
@ralpe challenges us at the @oikoumene webinar to see online church as more inclusive church, more particpatory. Afterwards will we continue with hybrid live and livestreaming? — ecumenika (@ecumenika) April […] Continue Reading →
Even as we #StayAtHome to keep everyone safe, the churches' ministry is more needed than ever. ⛪️ That's why on Wednesday, #WCC, @GCF_FCM , @waccglobal and partners invite you to […] Continue Reading →
Ralf Peter Reimann
Kirchenrat Pfarrer und Diplom-Informatiker
Internetbeauftragter der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland