Online Congregation
Towards an Online Congregation
1 min read
ECIC presentation: Background research: Extravagance UCC Facebookpage: Original Presenation: In German: Online-Gemeinde der United Church of Christ: Arche oder Auferstehung?
Schlagworte verkürzen immer, bringen es aber auf den Punkt. Letzte Woche durfte ich am LinK-Event der United Church of Christ(UCC) teilnehmen, wo der Launch einer Online-Gemeinde der UCC vorbereitet wurde. Die Herangehensweise der UCC bei der Gründung… View Post
Extavagance UCC – Considerations and Annotations
1 min read
The United Church of Christ (UCC) is establishing a geographically dispersed intentional community. I had the chance to spend six weeks with the UCC in August and September 2013. I was able to share my experience of Christian online communities in Germany and had the opportunity to learn about the plans for Extravagance UCC. This…
Extravagance UCC: #envisioneucc: Follow Livestream November 6 trough to 8 extravagance-ucc: We will also be live streaming portions of our LinK event. No registration is required so everybody is invited to participate online. Please pass this invitation to your friends: Wednesday, November 6, 2013 (12:15 – 12:45 p.m….
Dutch Internet Church Opens with Online Church Service October 15th at 8 pm the internet church (mijn kerk = my church) of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands will officially ‘open her doors’. This will not be done in the traditional m…
1 min read
extravagance-ucc: The Rev. Jo Hudson, gathering pastor of Extravagance UCC, a virtual new church start that is forming via social media, sends words of welcome to all. (Source:
Online Religion as Lived Religion. Methodological Issues in the Study of Religious Participation on the Internet
1 min read
Online Religion as Lived Religion. Methodological Issues in the Study of Religious Participation on the Internet Religion Online versus Online Religion? What theological framework do we use? Are we replicating an off-line church in cyberspace or are we seeking new and genuine expressions of an online church?
Online Sacraments? Or do we need Real Bread?
2 min read
I was invited by UCC Local Church Ministries to give a presentation on our experiences with online congregations as the UCC is preparing to establish Extravagance UCC as an online congregations. I raised the question of online sacraments. I was quite surprised that this question was not a really big issue – quite contrary to…
1 min read
Tomorrow I will be presenting a program on “Challenges in Building an Online Congregation :Lessons learned, experiences gained, some thoughts from a German/European perspective”. Here is the link to the Prezi (It may take time to load)