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  • “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” Quote attributed to Martin Luther. I received this encouraging cartoon from a friend today. Happy to share it with you. Plant apple trees in your garden if you can — despite the pandemic. Or in your…

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  • The kids can’t visit their grandparents so they wrote them a letter. This is a drawing how to deal with the pandemic. #corona #stayathome #covid19 #letter #grandparents #staysafe #pandemic Die Kinder können ihre Großeltern nicht besuchen, sie haben einen Brief geschrieben und gezeichnet, welche Verhaltensregeln man befolgen soll. #zuhausebleiben #brief #großeltern #pandemie read on Instagram

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  • cinnamon rolls

    Activities at home during lockdown: kids baking cinnamon rolls. 📸@rebecca.2006.12#covid #corona #lockdown #stayathome #baking #cinnamonrollsKinder backen Zimtschnecken. Aktivitäten zu Hause.#kontaktsperre #zuhausebleiben   read on Instagram

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  • Worship service at home this morning via WhatsApp group chat and a sermon on YouTube. Church is where people are gathered in Jesus’s name. #church #corona #covid19 #onlinechurch Heute Morgen Gottesdienst via WhatsApp-Gruppenchat und eine Predigt auf YouTube. Kirche ist, wo Menschen zusammenkommen. Das hängt nicht am Gebäude oder Ort. #Kirche #OnlineKirche #DigitaleKirche #WhatsApp #KirchezuHause…

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  • Maybe you will find some hidden treasures somewhere in your home, too. We found an old board game and enjoyed playing it again. Stay at home and stay safe during the corona crisis! Wir haben ein altes Brettspiel wiederentdeckt. Was findet Ihr bei Euch zu Hause, was wieder Freude macht? #boardgame #stayathome #corona #covid19 #brettspiel…

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  • Starting a day working from home. Happy to look at our yard. #corona #covid #homeoffice read on Instagram

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  •    “People should remember that God created us all as equal beings. There are no differences between us. We must create a world based on respect, tolerance and equality.” Yona Amit, a Holocaust Survivor from Italy “Die Menschen sollten sich daran erinnern, dass Gott uns alle als gleichwertige Wesen geschaffen hat. Es gibt keine Unterschiede…

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  •   #MagicMoments #Christmas #circus  read on Instagram

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  •   Running on a rainy day on the Marathon Route. But only half the distance and four days early. #nyc #newyorkmarathon #centralpark #rainyday #after #onward19  read on Instagram

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