“We must speak publicly and openly about what we care deeply about: faith in a God who is close to human beings,” said @ManfredRekowski, President of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland, in his annual report to the regional #synod. More: https://t.co/RF6dEl5NQK, #LS2019
— EKiR (@ekir_de) January 8, 2019
RT @ekir_de: “We must speak publicly and openly about what we care deeply about: faith in a God who is close to human beings,” said @ManfredRekowski, President of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland, in his annual report to the regional #synod. More: https://t.co/RF6dEl5NQK, #LS2019
Ralf Peter Reimann
- Kirchenrat Pfarrer und Diplom-Informatiker
- Internetbeauftragter der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland
- President of WACC Europe
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