• Tweet by @ralpe

    RT @BROT_furdiewelt: Wir appellieren an die #Bundesregierung, den Patentschutz für #COVID19-Impfstoffe und weitere dringend benötigte medizinische Produkte zu beenden und dadurch täglich tausende Menschenleben zu retten. @regsprecher #🇩🇪StopBlocking 👇 https://t.co/EHtmtHIedV […] Continue Reading →

  • Tweet by @ralpe

    Embert Charles, @waccglobal President, recommends: “Support and encouragement for #OpenSource Software (#FreeSoftware), #CreativeCommons, culturally appropriate shared ownership of information and knowledge” at @Oikoumene #DigitalJusticeSymposium. Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC https://t.co/eygLAGPBM5 — RalfPeter […] Continue Reading →

  • Tweet by @ralpe

    Here is the Link again: https://t.co/rZg4c2jytS — RalfPeter Reimann (@ralpe) Sep 13, 2021 Continue Reading →

  • Tweet by @ralpe

    RT @Oikoumene: First programme day of the #DigitalJusticeSymposium in Berlin, follow and participate in the discussions online 🔗www.oikoume… — RalfPeter Reimann (@ralpe) Sep 13, 2021 Continue Reading →