Faith and Theology: #CanonFodder: The shortest ever commentary on the whole Bible The idea is not new but I like it nevertheless. The whole Bible in tweets.
Questioning the Bible: What I Would Have Said to Bill Maher It matters how we read the Bible. So as someone who has focused on confronting those “bad parts” in Scripture, I wanted to take a stab at addressing Maher’s questions.
There is no Shteem-Intshein in the Bible
2 min read
Pennsylvania Deitsh, a spoken language primarily used within Amish communities, carries a rich cultural and linguistic heritage. While High German is traditionally employed for religious purposes, the Amish have embraced Pennsylvania Deitsh as their everyday language.
Should Pastors (or any of us) Read the Word on an iPad? What is your opinion? I must admit I feel a little bit awkward to use my smartphone during worship service.