• “The job of an historian is not to make the past familiar but to make the present strange”  said Ciarán Mc Mahon as an introduction to his lecture at #ECIC18. The lecture will be made available online [I will insert the link when this is done], there is no need for me to rephrase the…

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  • First 24 hours of #ECIC18 on Twitter storified: “Tradition and innovation: the tensions of a maturing Internet” Tweets in English from the ECIC Twitter Wall from Tuesday June 4 through Wednesday June 5, 6:00 PM

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  • iTunes is becoming a legacy problem for users who want to switch to Android just like Microsoft Office was for PC users who wanted to change to a Mac. Adrian Weckler at #ECIC18. What an irony

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  • Do Nothing for 2 Minutes I just did nothing for 2 minutes. Can you? Einmal abschalten und Ruhe aushalten?

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  • A Blogging Bishop?! A Tumblr blogpost instead of a Powerpoint presentation  In the UK: Nick Baines has set an example: Bishops must engage in Social Media activities: : “Persons (and not institutions) communicate in the Social Web” How do you advise a newly elected bishop on a social media strategy?The use of social…

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  • Northland, A Church Distributed Example for a Multi Site Church mentioned by Heidi Campbell #ECIC18. Church members meet at various offline-locations and online. We are a congregation of 15,000 focused on building an international community of worshipers. Led by senior pastor Dr. Joel C. Hunter, the church connects thousands of believers worldwide, bringing live, interactive…

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  • “Tradition and innovation: the tensions of a maturing Internet“ – when I twittered I was leaving for the conference and mentioned title I got an immediate reply and a question: Could we say that theologically it’s a question of the redefinition/reworking of tradition, with innovation as a guide? Theologically, we can answer the question…

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