Photos: Mexico 6 – Popocatépetl & Iztaccíhuatl
Eruption of the Popocatépetl and more.
Rich History in Nautla
Ralf Peter Reimann
In Nautla, we stumbled upon the Hotel Marianao by pure chance. Before departing the next morning, I engaged in a conversation with the manager, Don Fabio, who graciously offered to […]
I Missed the Chicken House: Why I Didn’t Attend an Amish Service Today
Ralf Peter Reimann
I visited Yoder’s Amish farm, hoping to attend an authentic service. While the teacher couldn’t invite me, she directed me to an Amish farmer. But lost on the roads of Berlin, Ohio, and missing the key landmark of a chicken house, I ended up at an English service instead.
Genialer Austausch: Die Wirtschaft der Großzügigkeit in einem mexikanischen Einkaufszentrum
Ralf Peter Reimann
Mein Schwiegervater steuert mit einem Pickup-Wagen auf den Behindertenparkplatz direkt am Eingang des Einkaufzentrums zu. Als der Parkwächter auf ihn zukommt, drückt er ihm einen Zwanzig-Peso-Schein in die Hand. Der […]
The Dual Nature of Generosity: Examining the Complexities of Tipping Culture at a Mexican Shopping Center
Ralf Peter Reimann
My father-in-law skillfully steers his pickup truck towards the disabled parking spot located right at the entrance of the shopping center. As the parking attendant approaches him, my father-in-law discreetly […]