There is no Shteem-Intshein in the Bible
Ralf Peter Reimann
Pennsylvania Deitsh, a spoken language primarily used within Amish communities, carries a rich cultural and linguistic heritage. While High German is traditionally employed for religious purposes, the Amish have embraced […] Continue Reading →
I Missed the Chicken House: Why I Didn’t Attend an Amish Service Today
Ralf Peter Reimann
I visited Yoder’s Amish farm, hoping to attend an authentic service. While the teacher couldn’t invite me, she directed me to an Amish farmer. But lost on the roads of Berlin, Ohio, and missing the key landmark of a chicken house, I ended up at an English service instead. Continue Reading →
Berlin and Mount Hope in Amish Country
Ralf Peter Reimann
Today’s tour through Holmes County Continue Reading →
Should Pastors (or any of us) Read the Word on an iPad?
Ralf Peter Reimann
Should Pastors (or any of us) Read the Word on an iPad? What is your opinion? I must admit I feel a little bit awkward to use my smartphone during […] Continue Reading →