July 2015
1 min read
Mexican flag over Chapultepec Castle. Enjoying four more days in this beautiful country. #Mexico #vacation #chapultepec via Instagram http://ift.tt/1KDeCvO
1 min read
Butterfly. #chapultepec #MexicoCity http://ift.tt/1LNHsuW via Instagram http://ift.tt/1U2efiR
1 min read
Stand with chicharrones. A visit to Chapultepec. #MexicoCity via Instagram http://ift.tt/1HToEb9
1 min read
Iguana #lizard #Mexico via Instagram http://ift.tt/1S2AgQZ
Rich History in Nautla
2 min read
In Nautla, we stumbled upon the Hotel Marianao by pure chance. Before departing the next morning, I engaged in a conversation with the manager, Don Fabio, who graciously offered to give me a tour of the premises. As we explored the hotel, he regaled me with its captivating history.
1 min read
Acropolis – a failed shopping mall in Mexico City. #Grexit via Instagram http://ift.tt/1HoRLTm
1 min read
A street in Mexico City’s Centro Historico. #Folk religion #Mexico #Jesus via Instagram http://ift.tt/1Ct1Gs9
1 min read
Flowers from a street vendor. #Mexico #colorful via Instagram http://ift.tt/1MfJ9Qg
Mit etwas Abstand nun ein Rückblick auf die Social Media Aktivitäten während des Kirchentages und in der Kirchentagsredaktion. Mein Vergleichspunkt: Die Social Media-Aktivitäten auf dem Hamburger Kirchentag 2013, als es erstmals einen eigenen Social Media Desk gab. Vor vier Jahren in Dresden wurden Facebook und Twitter zwar bespielt, aber es gab keine eigenen personellen Ressourcen…
1 min read
Chiles in a supermarket in Mexico via Instagram http://ift.tt/1H686MG