A Blogging Bishop?! A Tumblr blogpost instead of a Powerpoint presentation In the UK: Nick Baines has set an example: http://nickbaines.wordpress.com/2013/05/26/signals-timing-changed-2/ Bishops must engage in Social Media activities: http://www.pfarrerverband.de/pfarrerblatt/index.php?a=show&id=3323 : […] Continue Reading →
Northland, A Church Distributed Example for a Multi Site Church mentioned by Heidi Campbell #ECIC18. Church members meet at various offline-locations and online. We are a congregation of 15,000 focused […] Continue Reading →
“Tradition and innovation: the tensions of a maturing Internet“ – when I twittered I was leaving for the conference and mentioned title I got an immediate reply and a question: […] Continue Reading →
Ralf Peter Reimann
Kirchenrat Pfarrer und Diplom-Informatiker
Internetbeauftragter der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland