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    When Covid-19 is raising physical & psychological barriers, it is all the more important that communication technologies are used to convey trustworthy information and stories of courage and hope. https://t.co/12NQBu07rB […] Continue Reading →

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    Trump's Push To Open Churches Contradicts Jesus' Teaching To Love Neighbors, Clergy Sayhttps://t.co/rNmBZwn7Fp — RalfPeter Reimann (@ralpe) May 24, 2020 Continue Reading →

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    I’d rather my parish be an online hotspot of the gospel rather than an in-person hotspot of COVID-19. But thanks for asking. — Tim Schenck (@FatherTim) May 22, 2020 Continue Reading →

  • Tweet by @ralpe

    Houses of worship are not essential, but true worship is: “When I was hungry, did you feed me? When I was thirsty, did you give me a drink? When I […] Continue Reading →