"Search enables the new Customer Journey" says @wardchristianj. I am happy that we could launch our new search https://t.co/OiJZg7UwKW with @yext at #dmexcoathome. Try it out if you know German #DMEXCO #DMEXCO2020 (Thanks to @MaxWolter for implementing it.) pic.twitter.com/qJ9UKPIJXj
— RalfPeter Reimann (@ralpe) September 23, 2020
Tweet by @ralpe
Ralf Peter Reimann
- Kirchenrat Pfarrer und Diplom-Informatiker
- Internetbeauftragter der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland
- President of WACC Europe
Contact Info
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Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland
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40476 Düsseldorf
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